Thursday, May 21, 2009

McAuliffe to non-Union workers: "Y'eeaa allll aaint gettin' hiirred!!"

Terry the Taxman McAuliffe, seeking the Democrat nomination in the Virginia Governor's race, foretold his employment policies yesterday at the last Democrat primary debate.

Yup, Terry the Taxman laid out his "Taxation without Employment" pledge to the Virginia workforce:
"Enny a yu Non-Union workers out there think yer gettin' highred when I'm governor git another thin' comin'!

But Don't Yu Worry all yuze Non-Union scab-sandin' VARMITS, Yue Mat not be gettin' no job from the likes a' me, but aahll bee taxin' y'allz just the same!"

Not sure what his policy for scabs is gonna be, but my Virginny sources me Taxman's got a solution fer these 2-Timin' Rascals: Make sure all thur' taxes iz paid, then put em' to work recruiting new AFL-CIO recruits in other Right to Work states.

Them ol' "Right to Work" folks in Virginny better watch out! Terry's gonna force ya back in too faster than yee can say W2!!

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